Virginia Marine Debris Reduction Plan: working on solutions
The VMDRP charts a course to measurably reduce marine debris in Virginia coastal waters focusing on specific actions (e.g., policies, procedures, outreach campaigns). These Actions were determined to be politically, socially, and economically feasible in Virginia.
2021-2025 Virginia Marine Debris Reduction Plan
November 2021. 37 pages. Free download.
The Virginia Marine Debris Reduction Plan was developed in 2014, and updated in 2020 and 2021 through a participatory and collaborative process involving marine debris stakeholders in Virginia including representatives from state and local governments, nonprofit organizations, academia, industry and private business partners, regional bodies, natural resource managers, indigenous groups, and others. We obtained input from stakeholders through surveys, interviews, marine debris summits, and multiple online meetings. Funding was provided by the Virginia Coastal Zone Management Program through Grants funded by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Office of Coastal Management, under the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972, as amended. Additional support was provided in part by a grant from the National Marine Sanctuary Foundation in partnership with the NOAA Marine Debris Program.
The updated Virginia Marine Debris Reduction Plan (VMDRP) for 2021-2025 is a roadmap, planning and monitoring tool, and a common framework for collaboration that will lead us to cleaner and healthier coastal waters and oceans.
Plastic pollution and marine debris are of local, regional, national, and global concern, so the Virginia Coastal Zone Management (CZM) Program took a leadership role in creating the first VMDRP in 2014–making Virginia the first state on the east coast to have a Plan in place to reduce marine debris and only the second in the US. The 2021-2025 Plan further strategically addresses this problem through policies, laws, research, behavior-change, and action on all levels. It establishes a comprehensive framework for strategic action and identifies priorities to reduce the impacts of marine debris on Virginia’s coasts, people, and wildlife. The 2026-2030 Plan will be created in 2025. To be engaged in the process, send an email to cleanups@cleanvirginiawaterways.org
Marine Debris Specific Goals
This Plan is centered on the development and maintenance of strategic partnerships to address marine debris in Virginia, and is structured around these four goals:
Goal 1: Understand, Prevent, and Mitigate the Impacts of Consumer Debris and Single-use Plastics
Goal 2: Understand, Prevent, and Mitigate the Impacts of Derelict Fishing Gear
Goal 3: Understand, Prevent, and Mitigate the Impacts of Microplastics and Microfibers
Goal 4: Prevent and Mitigate the Contributions of Abandoned and Derelict Vessels
Development & Implementation of Marine Debris Reduction Strategies
More than 70 organizations in Virginia are contributing to implementing the VMDRP.
Learn more here:
Watch this 5 minute video about the Virginia Marine Debris Reduction Plan.